Bakery Workshops

IDE Baking Master Chef Frank Heuze teaches  "French Baking Professional Internship Class

Want to learn how to make the best bread? Of course, it’s freshly baked bread! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to learn how to make classic French bread from the master chef Frank Heuze, who has over 30 years of experience and is currently an IDE baking instructor!

The course covers everything from traditional baguettes to Instagram-worthy Danish pastries and other types of French bread!

You will deepen your understanding of the art of baking through practical teaching from the French IDE diploma program.

No matter you are a beginner or someone looking to enhance your skills, this course is the best choice for improving your baking techniques. Sign up quickly and don’t miss out this opportunity!


🍑 Lesson Two (November 25, Monday) Enrol Enrol

Tartine Bread

Apricot Danish


Lesson Three (November 26, Tuesday)  Enrol Enrol

Bicolour Croissant

Bicolour Danish

Country Bread


Lesson Four (November 27, Wednesday)  Enrol Enrol

Baguette de Tradition

Pain Suisse


Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Location: 1/F, Leighton Plaza, 29 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Capacity: 5 participants per class


Previously held positions such as Executive Chef, Baker, and Production & Quality Director at Boulangerie Paul, Synova, etc. He has promoted his baking skills in various countries including the UK, France, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and South Korea over his 30+ year career, winning numerous awards in international baking

Chef Frank Heuze親授法式烘焙職業級實習班


想學做最好食嘅麵包?當然係新鮮出爐嘅麵包!唔好錯過呢個絕佳機會,跟隨擁有30多年經驗、現任IDE烘焙導師嘅大師級名師 Chef Frank Heuze 學吓點樣自家製法式經典麵包!





Frank Heuze 法式烘焙職業級實習班


第一課(11月16日,星期六) Enrol Enrol

波爾多皇冠麵包  (Couronne bordelaise)

牛角麵包 (croissant)

法式朱古力麵包 (Pain au chocolat)


第二課(11月25日,星期一) Enrol Enrol

法式塔庭鄉村麵包 (Tartine bread)

杏桃丹麥酥 (apricot danish )


🥐第三課(11月26日,星期二) Button Button

雙色牛角包 (Croissant bicolour)

雙色丹麥酥 (Danish bicolour)

鄉村麵包 (Country bread )



傳統法式長棍 (Baguette de tradition)

瑞士麵包 (Pain suisse)


🕗 時間:早上10:00 - 下午5:00

📍 地點:銅鑼灣禮頓道29號華懋禮頓廣場1樓

👥名額:5位 (每班)



曾於Boulangerie Paul、Synova 等擔任行政主廚、烘焙師、生產及品質總監等職位,於30多年間於世界各地如英國、法國、泰國、新加坡、印尼、菲律賓、南韓等將其烘焙技術發揚光大,多次於國際烘焙比賽獲獎。

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