La Nuit des rois - cinéma francophone

Jordan Centre 佐敦中心
0 Places Remaining

Médiathèque, Centre Jordan AFHK / AF Library, Jordan Centre
Jeudi 28 avr à 19h30 / Thursday 28 April, 7:30 pm
En Français, Dioula, Nouchi (VOSTA) / In French, Dioula and Nouchi with English subtitles
Gratuit - RSVP requis

Mois de la Francophonie : France

Release date: 2021
Fiction, Drama, Thriller
Countries of production:
France, Canada, Ivory Coast
French, Dioula, Nouchi
1 hour 33 minutes

Director: Philippe Lacôte
 Bakary Koné, Steve Tientcheu, Digbeu Jean Cyrille


La MACA, la prison d’Abidjan, l’une des prisons les plus surpeuplées d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Vieillissant et malade, Barbe Noire est un caïd de plus en plus contesté. Pour conserver son pouvoir, il renoue avec la tradition de “Roman”, un rituel qui consiste à obliger un prisonnier à raconter des histoires durant toute une nuit. Un jeune pickpocket est désigné. “Roman” ne sait pas raconter mais il est hanté par une seule histoire, celle du chef « microbe » Zama King…

A young man is sent to "La Maca", a prison in the middle of the Ivorian forest ruled by its inmates. As tradition goes with the rising of the red moon, he is designated by the Boss to be the new "Roman" and must tell a story to the other prisoners. Learning what fate awaits him, he begins to narrate the mystical life of the legendary outlaw named "Zama King" and has no choice but to make his story last until dawn.

Palmarès / Awards: Toronto International Film Festival 2020 - Amplify Voices Award Festival du Film Francophone D'Angoulême 2021 - Best Sound Award

Réalisateur / director - Philippe Lacôte

Philippe Lacôte is a film director from Côte d'Ivoire. He is most noted for his 2014 film Run, which was a Lumières Award nominee for Best French-Language Film at the 20th Lumières Awards, and his 2020 film Night of the Kings (La Nuit des rois), which was a winner of the Amplify Voices Award at the 2020 Toronto International Film Festival.

Previous films: - Le Passeur (2006) - Chronique de guerre en Côte d'Ivoire (2008) - To Repel Gosts (2013) - Run (2014)

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  5. The decisions of Alliance Francaise de Hong Kong will be final and prevails.

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