學法文是一趟旅程,法國文化協會將為您作嚮導,一同探索法文和法國文化的基礎,對症下藥,透過各種工作坊助您提升不同範疇的法語能力,主題由針對聽、講、讀、寫,到聚焦文法﹑傳媒﹑日常生活對話和法文公開試備考,一應俱全。詳情請瀏覧 工作坊列表。
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Focus on Writing - Expression écrite
(From A201 or Placement test)
Pace : Each lesson = 2h30
Objectives : improve your understanding and capacity to use the tenses studied at the A2 level: imparfait, passé-composé, présent, futur proche, futur simple, conditionnel and also object pronouns : y, en, lui, leur, le, la, l’, les required to definitely improve your written skills ! After this workshop, you will be able to write in French with ease in different situations : informal or formal emails, text messages, etc.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Write with proper grammar! Detailed explanation and revision of grammar rules will definitely improve your written and spoken skills!
This term, we will cover various grammar points in our Grammaire Progressive (intermediate A2/B1) textbook:
- les relatifs "qui / que / où & dont"
- la mise en relief "ce qui / que, c'est / c'est ... qui / que"
- les relatifs composés "lequel / auquel / duquel / etc."
- l'interrogation "où / quand / comment / combien / pourquoi / qui / que / quoi"
- la négation "ne... jamais / aucun / rien / ni... ni / sans / ne... que"
- le discours indirect au présent - le gérondif
- les prépositions et les verbes (Chapters 32 to 37)
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Write with proper grammar! Detailed explanation and revision of grammar rules will definitely improve your written and spoken skills!
This term, we will cover various grammar points in our Grammaire Progressive (advanced B2/C1) textbook:
- la cause
- la conséquence
- le but
- etc.
In this general level, students will repass all skills and contents of a C1 level, focusing on speciality language, authentic texts and long
recordings, subtleties of the language, as well as a deeper usage of the grammar and syntax.
Our course also prepares you to take the DALF C1 exam, an official and international recognition of your level in French.
DALF C1 is the most common level of proficiency required for students who wish to undertake tertiary studies in French in France.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
In this general level, students will repass all skills and contents of a C1 level, focusing on speciality language, authentic texts and long
recordings, subtleties of the language, as well as a deeper usage of the grammar and syntax.
Our course also prepares you to take the DALF C1 exam, an official and international recognition of your level in French.
DALF C1 is the most common level of proficiency required for students who wish to undertake tertiary studies in French in France.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Focus on Writing - Expression écrite
(From B201 or Placement test)
L'atelier d'expression écrite a plusieurs objectifs :
- Développer des stratégies pour limiter le nombre d'erreurs dans les textes produits (c'est particulièrement important si vous
préparez un examen de type DELF)
- Identifier les erreurs récurrentes afin de ne plus les reproduire
- Avoir une meilleure compréhension de certains points grammaticaux complexes
- Produire des textes bien articulés
Il est attendu que les apprenants produisent un texte (au minimum) par semaine. L'enseignant fournira des retours arguments de chacun des textes produits.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
Our teacher will cover different activities (listening, reading, speaking, writing) in class, and offer you valuable feedbacks. As they monitor your progress skill by skill, they will be able to offer you precious tips for the exam-day.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
In this general level, students will repass all skills and contents of a C1 level, focusing on speciality language, authentic texts and long
recordings, subtleties of the language, as well as a deeper usage of the grammar and syntax.
Our course also prepares you to take the DALF C1 exam, an official and international recognition of your level in French.
DALF C1 is the most common level of proficiency required for students who wish to undertake tertiary studies in French in France.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.
In this general level, students will repass all skills and contents of a C1 level, focusing on speciality language, authentic texts and long
recordings, subtleties of the language, as well as a deeper usage of the grammar and syntax.
Our course also prepares you to take the DALF C1 exam, an official and international recognition of your level in French.
DALF C1 is the most common level of proficiency required for students who wish to undertake tertiary studies in French in France.
Registration fee (AF Member) is valid for one year and can enjoy the benefits equivalent to an AF Ordinary member.