4 reasons why e-learning is a powerful way to master French

Learning French autonomously be challenging, and at Alliance Francaise we like to make sure our students can keep learning french using appropriate digital tools and methods to stay on a steady learning curve, even remotely!

Here are a few reasons why choosing e-learning can be a powerful strategy to develop your french skills.

  •  Accessibility

Learning any time, anywhere, with any device. How good is that?

Studying online gives you more flexibility. You can work and fit your work schedule (and your hobbies) around your coursework more easily; even more so if you are taking an asynchronous class. Of course, when your are student with us, you still have log in at a specific time for a live session on Zoom with your teacher but you can also study and interact with her/him and your fellow classmates at your own pace through our discussion forum, HK in French.

  • Content on-demand

The consumption of on-demand digital content across the globe is increasingly rising, and that's for good reasons!

With Culturethèque our French e-library, our students and members can enjoy over 400 magazines, 1,000 e-books, 200 comics, 450 videos and 370 learning materials, audio books and podcasts accessible 24/7 from your laptop, table or mobile device.

Bonus: Culturethèque is FREE for 1 Month for all AF members and students.

  • Active learning

Blended learning is a unique way to develop polyvalence and make lectures more interactive and more geared towards higher-level learning.

Students are doing more than simply listening to the teacher; the aim is skills-development rather than just conveying information; students engage in activities for a shorter amount of time but more intensively which results in promoting higher learning experience. 

Discover Frantastique, a powerful platform providing daily French lessons. This online plaftorm follows your progresses with daily interaction and fun new videos   proposed along with comprehension exercises, and immediate feedback.

Bonus: Frantastique is FREE for 1 Month for all AF members and students.

  • Self-pace learning

Who says that having to be more self-disciplined is a disadvantage? It is true that studying online requires more self-motivation and time-management skills, because you will spend a lot of time on your own without someone physically close to keep you focused on deadlines.

However, this is a unique opportunity to help you become more self-motivated, a trait that will make you stand out at school, in the workplace and beyond! 

Look at it this way: this is your time to make the most of Alliance Française learning ressources, develop your personal learning environment and build your own path to French excellence!

And don't forget, with HK in French and HKids in French, our students social networks, you can benefit from a network, entirely in French, where you can discuss various topics and assignments to improve your writing skills in a very casual way.

Happy learning!

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