Microbe & Gasoline

On NowE.com
May 15 - June 30 2020
Free event 


2014 • Color 彩色 • 103 min • France法國

In French with English and Chinese subtitles  法語對白,中、英文字幕

Director 導演: Michel Gondry

Cast演員: Ange Dargent, Théophile Baquet, Audry Tautou, Diane Besnier

Microbe is a timid child, often immersed in drawing. Gasoil, an inventive and cheeky boy, winds up in Microbe's class in the middle of the year. A close friendship immediately forms between them.
As summer vacation approaches, the two friends have no desire to spend two months with their families. Making use of a lawn mower and a few planks of wood, they build their own "car" and set off to travel through France..

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