Belle and Sebastien 

May 15 - June 30 2020
Free event 


Belle et Sébastien


Adventure, Literary adaptation

2012 • Color 彩色 • 98 min • France法國

In French with English and Chinese subtitles  法語對白,中、英文字幕

Director 導演: Nicolas Vanier

Cast演員: Félix Bossuet, Tchéky Karyo, Margaux Chatelier



The story takes place high up in the alps.
There where the snow is immaculate, where chamois chase marmots, where the summits touch the clouds.
High up in a peaceful village - until the day the Germans arrive.
It's the story of a lonely boy and a wild dog.
The story of Sébastien who tames Belle.
It's the adventure of an indestructible friendship.
It's the extraordinary tale of a resourceful and appealing child in the middle of World War Two.

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