La Nuit des Idées 2021

“The Night of Ideas (Nuit des Idées)” is coming back to Hong Kong! This year, the event is co-organized by the French Consulate in Hong Kong and Macao with the Hong Kong Museum of Art, under the theme “ST[ART] AGAIN”. It proposes a reflection on the role of art of cultural institutions and prestigious artists.

This event will take place online from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, 28th January 2021. Join the debates on the Consulate’s Facebook page!

『思想之夜』重臨香港!今年我哋仲同香港藝術館共同舉辦呢項盛事!2021年嘅主題係『ST[ART] AGAIN 重新啟動』,目的係要思考著名嘅藝術家同文化機構喺藝術當中扮演嘅角色。


Launched in Paris for the first time in 2016, the Night of Ideas in Hong Kong is part of a worldwide operation that aims at sharing the French culture of debate, every 3rd Thursday of January, with the support of the Institut Français of Paris. From Seoul to Los Angeles, from Tokyo to Paris, passing through Singapore and New York... 220 Nights of ideas is organised throughout 90 countries.

The event has been featured every year in Hong Kong since 2018 with major local partners: Asia Society (2018, Artificial Intelligence), Hong Kong Design Institute (2019, Night of Architecture) and Saint James' Settlement (2020, The Revolution of Sharing).

Philosophers, writers, researchers, intellectuals, students, whistleblowers, artists and political figures propose their vision of the present and their solutions to the challenges of tomorrow on issues of equality, ecology, education, urban planning, science, policy or technology.

For more information, click to access the Consulate's Facebook and their website! 

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